Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Words Are Easy, Actions Are Difficult

Word are easy, actions are hard, over the past couple of years people have offered support and help to me. It's sad that when you actually need that help and support you don't always get it. I don't want to mention specifics, but it would be better if people didn't promise the earth, and then fail. You tend to think, when I need a small bit of support I can count on certain people, only to find that you can't. During this transistion you realise that it is a truely single journey and you need to be strong to progress.

All I can add is look at peoples "actions" and not the words they speak, this way you will not get hurt.

Monday, 14 December 2009

Gender Identity Clinic Night-Out

Last Wednesday I had a check-up at the GIC at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary with Dr My. Over the past few months there has been confusion with appointments, my August one wasn't booked properly, a replacemant one for September wasn't emailed or posted to me, and in October I had gotten confused with the time of 2.30pm as all the past ones had been 4.00pm. So I was looking forward to seeing Dr My on Wednesday, and wouldn't you just believe it, I was double booked!!!!!!! The joys of the NHS, or really just the GIC, as I have recieved wonderful service from all other areas so far. Dr My asked if I would mind seeing a shrink (Sarah) instead, as I'm a softy I said yes. Well I don't normally critise anyones appearance, but I couldn't take Sarah seriously, she was dressed for a night-out clubbing, little black dress, gold belt, gold srappy high heel sandles and super fine tights, all on a very cold Edinburgh day!!! In my view not a very professional turn-out. Also she couldn't ask anything medical, and basically just went through how I was doing since my last appointment. One good thing she did say was that I presented very well, a nice small boost!! I left feeling, well that was a waste time, I don't know if I have just built up a negative against the GIC or are they just not very caring and organised. My next appointment is the end of April, I will see how it goes and I may decised to be transferred to Glasgow, where I have heard some positive reports.

Monday, 7 December 2009

I Don't Like Mondays, Only Kidding!!!

This morning I was back at my GP for a blood pressure check-up and for her to see if I was feeling ok. Both went well, BP is getting quite good, almost normal even. And the last few days I have been feeling good as well. Over the weekend I got a few jobs done at home which had been bugging me, last week got paperwork out the way for a wee while so the niggling things have vanished!!!!! It was funny as I was waiting for my appointment today a wee boy about 5 decided I was the person to play with, and the waiting room was quite busy, I was thinking wow this is not the way to blend in quitely sitting in the corner!!! But on the whole no problems, so another confidence booster for me.

Wednesday sees me at the Gender Clinic, so that will be a challenge, as I don't really enjoy these appointments. Hopefully Moira my speech therapist will have put a good word in for me, as these sessions go really well. Even though they are finished until the end of Feb2010, when I will be discharged.

Christmas this year is going to be very tough money wise, the ongoing hair removal has really sapped the money this year. So I will have to be quite resourceful or very boring with presents, I'm going to think about it until Christmas week. Hopefully do my Christmas cards this week, I'm going to send ones to the staff at the NHS which have really helped and accepted me this year. It all sounds a bit woosy, but I think it's good to thank people, I sometimes think the USA has a better way with Thanksgiving Day, we have to roll it into Christmas.