Sunday, 27 May 2012

Edinburgh is Sunny, It's a Miracle!

Since last Tuesday Edinburgh has been basking in glorious sunshine and temps around 25c. After weeks of cold and rain it is so nice to see everyone feeling happy. And saving money by switching off the central heating.

The downside is finding out your summer clothes are now all a little tight. Must be down to comfort eating in the horrible cold winter and spring. There are two solutions, either loose weight quickly, or shopping? I know the most fun way. The problem here is good weather can either last for weeks, which can be unusual but did happen a few years ago, or tomorrow we are all back to jumpers for the rest of the summer.

I hate decisions.

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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Hit & Miss

Just finished watching Hit & Miss on sky atlantic, I must say its very good. The trannsexual element is there and done really well, but it has so much more. Really well written and filmed, and the music score is brilliant and sets the mood.

Don't want to spoil the plot, just watch it!

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Monday, 21 May 2012

Finishing electrolysis

Last month I stopped electrolysis, it was for a few reasons. First of all I had three and a half years of treatment. The issue of having to grow out stubble every week was becoming very annoying. I felt I wasn't moving on with things. The amount of money spent was also getting silly, I think I've spent in the region of £8000! I could have bought a new car. Things where needing done at home, so my outlays had to be cut. With the cost of living rising and being on a fixed income, things had to change. Lastly, I was finding to very painful every week. No amount of EMLA or painkillers where easing the pain. However the last four treatments I had where of Blend, and this was easier, but very slow.

At the moment my neck and sides still have hair, but I can handle this. It is much reduced though. Probably in the future I will return to treatment, but really needed a rest.

It was sad stopping and not seeing Marny and the girls, but will see them for some nice treatments soon.

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Sunday, 20 May 2012

Been Rather Quiet

I got a fright when I noticed I hadn't blogged since end of February. Time flies when you're enjoying yourself, heehee. In reality life has been busy and kind of mundane.

Also since I got an iPad for christmas, I have also recently got an iPhone, and until tonight found blogging on them a real pain. Then a I had a brain rush and thought there must be a decent app, and there is. I have hardly used my laptop in months, I think I'm converting to apple, damn.

I have a few things to blog about and will do that over the next few days.

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