Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Hair By Lorraine

Yesterday morning was a nice trip for me, to see Lorraine, Zoe and Lorna at the hairdressers. It was cool having a chat with them as for once it was quite quiet. The place is normally really busy with the girls running around daft, which can be quite entertaining. I wish I could have one of them each morning to make my hair look as good, as they make it look easy. A few flicks, a crunch and a blow-dry and wow you are done. Lorraine has transformed my hair, from length 1/2 inch 4 years ago, to longer than my shoulders, highlighted and manageable for me, as I'm not very good.

Looking forward to seeing them all in February for the colouring and trim.

Check them out

1 comment:

  1. The place is normally really busy with the girls running around daft, which can be quite entertaining. hair
