Thursday, 24 September 2009

Speach Therapy

This morning I had an appointment with Moira for speach therapy at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. It was fun, she is very clever getting you talk away so you get relaxed and see where your voice is. She felt my voice is improving in female inflections and the pitch is up to a more ambiguous level. I was really pleased with this. We do some vocal exercises first and then focus on long passages to improve the voice. She also thought I was looking much more confident within myself, that was a great confidence booster. Although I think the two beta-blockers I took before hand really help to lower my aniexty. Very time Moira comments about how long my hair is, to me it looks like a blown out crows nest. I try my best to straighten it but it has a mind of it's own. My next appointment is the end of October, so I have my homework, to read aloud, and also get my sister to help me on that one.

It was funny coming home today, my next door neighbour entered the flats as I parked the car. When I got into the stairs her door was still open. My trying to be all dainty, made me miss a step and fall, and hurt my hand cushioning my overweight body frame. It's a good job I only type with two fingers.

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