Tuesday, 13 October 2009

A Wee Update

Not posted anything for a little while, as not alot has been going on really. On saturday I had another electro session with Marny. She did wonders again and cleared the left hand side of my chin, I just hope there isn't any re-growth. This saturday sees the lower lip and re-growth on the right side of the chin. It's a really long process, I'm so glad I had IPL for a year before I started electro. Pain level was almost bearable, and at times I almost fell asleep!!!!

The last few days I haven't really been feeling myself, can't make up my mind if it's a cold or slipping into a depression. Spent all day today in bed, and slept most of it, my therapist said to me let your body do what it wants, but i worry it's depression. The lack of motivation is annouying me, there are things I want to do but just can't get myself going. Also my neice who is mentally disabled isn't behaving herself. My sister and her partner aren't getting much sleep with her being up all night. For a while I was going up to their house each night as my neice seems to do what I want. But you feel your intruding on their space, but it gave me the chance of getting out my flat and being with people I love. The feeling of being useful is very important to me, I just don't like being a pest, and they are trying to cope on their own as well.

The last few days I have been plucking my eyebrows to get them looking tidier for my gender appointment next week. I seem to be making abit of progress, a little each day. Next week sees a flourish of appointments within a short space of time again, I so hope my car is back from the hospital by the end of this week.

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